2021 Yılı Mayıs Ayında Terörizm ve Radikalleşme Alanlarında Yayımlanan Makaleler

Akademik çalışmalar yapanlar için faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek, 2021 yılı Mayıs ayı içerisinde terörizm / terörizmle mücadele ve radikalleşme / radikalleşme ile mücadele alanlarında yayımlanan akademik makalelerin listesini hazırladık. Faydalı olması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar dileriz...

                                                                                                            Hazırlayan: Hatice Varol

TERAM Editörü

  1. Ajide, K. B., & Alimi, O. Y. (2021). Environmental impact of natural resources on terrorism in Africa. Resources Policy73, 102133.
  2. Anwar, T., & De Goede, M. A. R. I. E. K. E. (2021). From contestation to conviction: terrorism expertise before the courts. Journal of Law and Society.
  3. Bandyopadhyay, S., & Ijaz, A. (2021). Is there a relationship between inequality and terrorism? Evidence from a semi-parametric approach. Applied Economics Letters, 1-6.
  4. Bekele, H. K. (2021). Striking a balance in the need for upholding basic principles of international humanitarian law in the fight against terrorism. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence12(1), 149-159.Clément, M. (2021). Emotions and affect in terrorism research: Epistemological shift and ways ahead. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 1-24.
  5. Botha, S., & Graham, S. E. (2021). (Counter-) terrorism in Africa: Reflections for a new decade. South African Journal of International Affairs, 1-17.
  6. Broeders, D., Cristiano, F., & Weggemans, D. (2021). Too Close for Comfort: Cyber Terrorism and Information Security across National Policies and International Diplomacy. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-28.
  7. Bu, B., Wang, L., Pi, Z., & Fang, W. (2021). Stackelberg Model of Anti-terrorism Resource Allocation in Express Transportation Security Checks. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 253, p. 02020). EDP Sciences.
  8. Bush, E. (2021). Media Framing in the Centennial Olympic Park Bombing: How Media Framing of Terrorism Shifts When a Suspect Is Revealed. University of Denver Undergraduate Research Journal2(2).
  9. Dawe, B., Gerth, H. H., & Mills, C. W. (2021). Counter-Terrorism and Its Ethical Hazards. The Meaning of Terrorism, 149.
  10. de la Rosa, V. M., & Romero, E. D. (2021). Epistemic and non-epistemic modals: The key to interpreting the spirit of counter-terrorism United Nations Security Council resolutions. Journal of Pragmatics180, 89-101.
  11. Dib, A., & Izquierdo, M. A. R. (2021). Terrorism and the Loss of Cultural Heritage: The Case of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. In Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation (pp. 377-393). Springer, Singapore.
  12. Erenel, F., & Happani, N. N. (2021). The human body becoming the terrorist's weapon: the phenomenon of suicide terrorism. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi10(1), 175-192.
  13. Fortunato, O. (2021). Comparing the narrative with facts: examining the impact of the presidency on right-wing domestic terrorism in the United States.
  14. Grounds, K. (2021). The Terror in Terrorism: A Qualitative Analysis of the Portrayal of Terrorism in Print and Television News Media. In SFU Undergraduate Research Symposium Journal (Vol. 2).
  15. Hase, V. (2021). What is terrorism (according to the news)? How the German press selectively labels political violence as “terrorism”. Journalism, 14648849211017003.
  16. Hellmueller, L., Hase, V., & Lindner, P. (2021). Terrorist Organizations in the News: A Computational Approach to Measure Media Attention towards Terrorism. Mass Communication and Society, (just-accepted).
  17. Idrizi, B. (2021). CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies10(4), 26-31.
  18. Jansen, D. J. (2021). Terrorism and Patriotic Investors: Evidence from the 1920 Wall Street Bombing. Available at SSRN 3852564.
  19. Jones, D. A., & Dawson, L. L. (2021). Re-examining the explanations of convert radicalization in Salafi-Jihadist terrorism with evidence from Canada. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 1-28.
  20. Kim, H. K. (2021). State Terrorism as a Mechanism for Acts of Violence against Individuals: Case Studies of Kim Jong-Nam, Skripal and Khashoggi Assassinations. Journal of East Asia and International Law (JEAIL)14(1), 55-78.
  21. Kumail, T., Ali, W., Sadiq, F., & Khan, A. (2021). Nexus of Terrorism and Tourism: Empirical evidence from South Asian Countries. Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico (JTA)28(1).
  22. Lyle, P. L. (2021). Laws and Methods for Mitigating Terrorism and Mass Violence. Mitigating Mass Violence and Managing Threats in Contemporary Society, 278-312.
  23. Mohamed, H., Alimi, M., & Youssef, S. B. (2021). The role of renewable energy in reducing terrorism: Evidence from Pakistan. Renewable Energy.
  24. Molodova, A. S. (2021). Analysıs Of The Dynamıcs Of The Internatıonal Communıty's Fıght Agaınst Terrorısm In Syrıa. In Будущее науки-2021 (pp. 20-22).
  25. Naz, A., Jabeen, H., & Nasir, A. (2021). Interlinkages among Terrorism, Macroeconomic Instability, Political Instability, and Economic Growth in Pakistan. NUST Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities7(1), 37-62.
  26. Nduka, B. O. E., & Sechap, G. (2021). Refocusing designated non-financial businesses and professions on the path of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism compliance. Journal of Money Laundering Control.
  27. Nosiri, U. D., & Ibekwe, E. O. (2021). Counter Terrorısm In Nıgerıa: An Assessment Of Buharı Government’s Response To Boko Haram Insurgency. African Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences11(1).
  28. Pascal, B. (2021). Religion, War, and Terrorism. The Meaning of Terrorism, 176.
  29. Pelc, V., & Mulák, J. (2021). Terrorism and Organized Crime: Two Challenges for Czech Criminal Law in the 21st Century. Available at SSRN 3849237.
  30. Piekarski, M., & Kazanecki, W. (2021). Polish Academic Experts on Terrorism and Their Media Presence: Sample Analysis. In Digitalization of Democratic Processes in Europe (pp. 149-164). Springer, Cham.
  31. Quezada Tavárez, K., & Houtave, E. (2021). Augmented Reality Technology to Counter Crime and Terrorism: Introduction to DARLENE.
  32. Riyanta, S., Rahayu, A. Y., & Mamoto, B. J. (2021). THE ROLE OF NON-STATE ACTORS IN DERADICALIZATION PROGRAM AS PART OF COLLABORATION IN TERRORISM MITIGATION IN INDONESIA. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues24(2), 1-18.
  33. Rosicki, R. (2021). State security as exemplified by the fight against terrorism: a choice between the well-being of the individual and the well-being of the community. Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego13(Numer 24), 404-420.
  34. Sayed, F. W. (2021). Terrorism and the Inherent Right to Self-Defense in Immigration Law. Cal. L. Rev.109, 615.
  35. Setiyono, J. (2021). REGULATORY STRATEGIES AND LEGAL ISSUES FOR COUNTERING TERRORISM IN INDONESIA. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues24(1), 1-9.
  36. Setyawan, Y. B. (2021). Terrorism and religious fundamentalism: A biblical‐Christian perspective for peacebuilding in Indonesia. International Review of Mission110(1), 27-40.
  37. Smith, T., & Coupé, T. (2021). The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism. A Replication Study of Kim and Albert Kim (Health Economics, 2018). International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE)5(2021-1), 1-11.
  38. Sønderskov, K. M., Dinesen, P. T., Hansen, B. T., Østergaard, S. D., & Danckert, B. (2021). Terrorism in the country of origin is linked to deterioration in the mental health of refugees. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-7.
  39. Spaaij, R. (2021). Terrorism and sport. In Research Handbook on Sports and Society. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  40. Volders, B. (2021). The Nuclear Terrorism Threat: An Organisational Approach.
  41. Wansink, B., de Graaf, B., & Berghuis, E. (2021). Teaching under attack: The dilemmas, goals, and practices of upper-elementary school teachers when dealing with terrorism in class. Theory & Research in Social Education, 1-21.
  42. Waterman, D. H. (2021). Unbranding: Disenfranchising Terrorism, Disenchanting Terror.
  43. Wathan, F. P., & Barthos, M. (2021). Analysis of the Prevention of Terrorism in Indonesia.
  44. White, R. W. (2021). Why “Dissident” Irish Republicans Haven’t Gone Away: A Visual Study of the Persistence of “Terrorism”. Contention9(1), 63-96.
  45. Whittenburg, C. L. (2021). Terrorism, Trauma, and Memory: Constructing National Identity at The 9/11 Museum and The Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum.
  46. Windisch, B. (2021). A Downward Spiral: The Role of Hegemonic Masculinity in Lone Actor Terrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-18.

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2022 Yılı Ağustos Ayı Güvenlik Olayları

TERAM / 04 Eylül 2022


Terörizmle Mücadelede Yöntem ve Teknikler

TERAM / 23 Temmuz 2021

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