2021 Yılı Mart Ayında Terörizm ve Radikalleşme Alanlarında Yayımlanan Makaleler

Akademik çalışmalar yapanlar için faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek, 2021 yılı Mart ayı içerisinde terörizm / terörizmle mücadele ve radikalleşme / radikalleşme ile mücadele alanlarında yayımlanan akademik makalelerin listesini hazırladık. Faydalı olması dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar dileriz...

                                                                                                                                                   Hazırlayan: Hatice Varol

  1. Agerberg, M., & Sohlberg, J. (2021). Personal Proximity and Reactions to Terrorism. Comparative Political Studies, 0010414021997162.
  3. Alispahić, B. (2021). Special War and Terrorism: Review scientific paper. Technium Social Sciences Journal17, 444-467.
  4. Alizade, V. (2021). Combating International Terrorism: Modern Challenges and Threats. Alizade, Vera A. Combating international terrorism.
  5. Alptekin, H. (2021). Tracking terrorism and counter-terrorism: Introducing the Turkey terrorism incidents database. Mediterranean Politics, 1-13.
  6. Alsawalqa, R. O. (2021). Dialectical Relationship Between Terrorism and Human Security: A Sociological Approach. Utopía y praxis latinoamericana: revista internacional de filosofía iberoamericana y teoría social, (1), 275-285.
  7. Asongu, S., & Nchofoung, T. (2021). The terrorism-finance nexus contingent on globalisation and governance dynamics in Africa. European Xtramile Centre of African Studies WP/21/016.
  8. Bano, G., & Khan, N. U. (2021). Terrorism and Pakistan Stock Exchange: Evidence from'War on Terror'. Pakistan Journal of Criminology12(2).
  9. Bryan, A. (2021). Patti Tamara Lenard: How Should Democracies Fight Terrorism?. Res Publica, 1-5.
  10. Danilova, I., Knyazeva, O., Mayorova, S., & Peremolotova, L. (2021). Environmental terrorism and socio-economic factors in the mechanism of countering terrorist crimes. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 244, p. 12017). EDP Sciences.
  12. Farber, S. (2021). Between Victims of Crime and Victims of Terrorism-Victims Rights in The Military Courts in The West Bank. NEW CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW, Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper Forthcoming.
  13. Feroz, S., & Yasmin, B. (2021). Terrorism and Brain Drain in Pakistan: Is There a Connection?. South Asia Economic Journal, 1391561421997216.
  14. Gearson, J., & A. Berry, P. (2021). British Troops on British Streets: Defence’s Counter-Terrorism Journey from 9/11 to Operation Temperer. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-27.
  15. Holmer, G. (2021). Avoiding the Terrorist Trap: Why Respect for Human Rights is the Key to Defeating Terrorism: Tom Parker World Scientific, 2018.
  16. Indarti, E., & Samekto, A. (2021). Victimization and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder of Victims of Terrorism in Indonesia. Medico Legal Update21(2), 1224-1228.
  17. Iskandar, N., Rahbany, T., & Shokor, A. (2021). Healthcare and terrorism: the Lebanese experience. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 1-4.
  18. Jan, M. S., Nisar, M., Zubair, S., Hanan, F., Khan, M. T., Ali, L., & Rahman, Z. U. (2021). FDI NEXUS TERRORISM: Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government27(2), 1814-1819.
  19. Knoechelmann, M., Davies, G., & Macnair, L. (2021). Personality Traits-Based Terrorism Risk Assessment: Determining Reliability Using Open-Source Data. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-E: Human and Societal Dynamics152, 349-358.
  20. Li, E. (2021). Can “Nudge” Salvage Community Policing against Terrorism?. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-21.
  21. Livermore, D. (2021). Stéfanie von Hlatky (ed.) Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Assessing Domestic and International Strategies.
  22. Marín-Arrese, J. I. (2021). Stance, emotion and persuasion: Terrorism and the Press. Journal of Pragmatics177, 135-148.
  23. Meierrieks, D., & Schneider, F. (2021). Terrorism and international economic policy. European Journal of Political Economy, 102011.
  24. Memdani, L., Kademi, T. T., & Rafay, A. (2021). Effect of Terrorism Financing on selected Global Indices: The Case of 2015 Paris Attacks. In Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Global Financial Systems (pp. 183-205). IGI Global.
  25. Money, A. (2021). AML/CFT Law (Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism) 62 ASCAs (Accumulating Savings and Credit. 50 Years of Central Banking in Kenya, 466.
  26. Mueller, J., Turner, K., & Lipson, G. (2021). Emotional Response to Terrorism before and after the Pulse Nightclub Shooting. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-14.
  27. Mukhtar, T., & Jehan, Z. (2021). Fiscal Response to Terrorism in Pakistan: The Role of Institutions. Journal of Quantitative Methods5(1), 1-1.
  28. Murphy, E. (2021). 12 Terrorism, security, and development and the “never-ending” conflict over Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorism, Security and Development in South Asia: National, Regional and Global Implications.
  29. Nicolaou, S. (2021). Terrorism Financing (Doctoral dissertation, School of Business Administration: Master of Business Administration).
  30. NIKOLAEVNA, S. N. (2021). Phenomenology of Terrorism. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government27(2), 1714-1717.
  31. Onwudiwe, I. D., & Mendie, E. (2021). 15 The impact of terrorism in South Asia. Terrorism, Security and Development in South Asia: National, Regional and Global Implications.
  32. Parker, T. (2021). Review of Anti-American terrorism: From Eisenhower to Trump–A Chronicle of the Threat and Response: by DennisPluchinsky,(London, UK), World Scientific Publishing-Vol I: The Eisenhower through Carter Administrations, 2020, 425 pp.,£ 50 (UK)(Paperback), ISBN 9781783268726 & Vol II: The Reagan and George HW Bush Administrations, 2020, 676 pp.,£ 40 (UK)(Paperback), ISBN 9781786348296.
  33. Patel, N. (2021). Cyber and TRIA: Expanding the Definition of an" Act of Terrorism" to Include Cyber Attacks. Duke Law & Technology Review19(1), 23-42.
  34. Piazza, J. A. (2021). Fake news: the effects of social media disinformation on domestic terrorism. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 1-23.
  35. Prakoso, L. Y. (2021). Defense Policy Analysis to Deal with Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesian Universities.
  36. Ripperger, B. (2021). The Use of Terrorism Risk Assessment Tools in Australia to Manage Residual Risk. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-E: Human and Societal Dynamics152, 165-192.
  37. Rothenberger, L., & Hase, V. (2021). Sources (Terrorism Coverage). DOCA-Database of Variables for Content Analysis.
  38. Ruiz Estrada, M. A. (2021). The Use of Smart Flying Platforms (SFPs) in National Emergencies: Terrorism or Epidemics. Unmanned Aerial Systems, 1st Edition, Theoretical Foundation and Applications, 521-530.
  39. Saleh, A., & Alber, N. (2021). Disguised Terrorism Versus Political and Economic Failures-Which Diagnosis Do We Need to Recognize? 205 Countries in Two Decades of Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Finance13(2).
  40. Sambo, U., & Sule, B. (2021). Financing as a Livewire for Terrorism: The Case of North-Eastern Nigeria. In Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Global Financial Systems (pp. 157-182). IGI Global.
  41. Singh, C. P., & Singh, A. (2021). Enforcement of Anti-Terrorism Laws in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K): A Socio-Economic Study. Elementary Education Online20(5), 2367-2373.
  42. Sulaiman Lebbe, D. (2021). Definition of Terrorism: Some Controversies and Complications. Definition of Terrorism: Some Controversies and Complications (March 6, 2021).
  43. Tampubolon, M. (2021). Why Terrorism Undeterred by Death Penalty?. Asian Journal of Law and Governance3(1), 85-97.
  44. Thomas, J. L. (2021). Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Assessing the Effect of Gender Norms on the Lethality of Female Suicide Terrorism. International Organization, 1-34.
  45. Vancouver, C. A. S. I. S. (2021). EU PROPHETS project on policing tools for terrorism. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare3(3), 80-82.
  46. Yakubu, A., & Idehen, R. (2021). Border Patrol And Surveillance In The Control Of Transnational Terrorism In Nigeria And Niger.

İlginizi Çekebilir


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